UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls
uneplive atlas geas

Asia Population Database Documentation

Part II: Raster data

One objective of improving the boundary and population data for Asia as described in the previous sections was to develop a "second-generation" population distribution surface. The global demography project at NCGIA produced a gridded data set for the whole world that was constructed using a smoothing technique that has the property of preserving population totals within each administrative unit. The raster surfaces based on the approach outlined in the following section were constructed using an alternative interpolation method. This method preserves population totals as well and incorporates significant additional information on settlements, transport infrastructure and other features important in determining population distribution. The conversion of population data from a vector or polygon representation to raster format has the added advantage that the data can be more easily combined with many spatially referenced physical data sets which are most often stored in a gridded format. This facilitates the use of these data in research and policy analysis and will hopefully contribute towards an increasingly integrated approach to the study of problems related to population, the environment, economics and culture as advocated, among others, by Joel Cohen in his recent book (Cohen 1995).

The development of the raster grid surfaces was conducted in collaboration with Hy Dao of the University of Geneva and UNEP/GRID Geneva. Dominique Del Pietro (UNEP/GRID Geneva) provided valuable support in developing the base data layers. The approach outlined here as well as alternative approaches to spatial population modeling are discussed in more detail in Deichmann (1996).

Gridding approach

The basic assumption upon which the construction of population distribution raster grids for Asia is based is that population densities are strongly correlated with accessibility. Accessibility is most generally defined as the relative opportunity of interaction and contact. These opportunities are the largest where people are concentrated and transport infrastructure is well developed. Within any given area, we therefore expect a larger share of the known total population to live in more accessible regions compared to areas that are less well connected to major urban centers.

Summary description of the method

The method for the development of population raster grids consists of the following steps. The most important input into the model is the transportation network consisting of roads, railroads and navigable rivers. The second main component is information on urban centers. Data on the location and size of as many towns and cities as can be identified are collected, and these settlements are linked to the transport network. This information is then used to compute a very simple measure of accessibility for each node in the network. The measure is the so-called population potential which is the sum of the population of towns in the vicinity of the current node weighted by a function of distance, whereby network distances rather than straight-line distances are used. The following figure illustrates the computation of the accessibility index for a single node.

computation of the accessibility 
		index for a single node

The computed accessibility estimates for each node are subsequently interpolated onto a regular raster surface. Raster data on inland water bodies (lakes and glaciers), protected areas and altitude are then used to adjust the accessibility surface. Finally, the population totals estimated for each administrative unit (as described in the first part of this documentation) are distributed in proportion to the accessibility index measures estimated for each grid cell. The resulting population counts in each pixel can then be converted to densities for further analysis and mapping. Each of these steps will now be described in more detail.

Construction of the transportation network

There are few data sources that provide consistent, geographically referenced base data layers for large areas such as an entire continent. The transportation infrastructure data for this project was constructed using the following data sets: major roads from the World Boundary Databank II (WBDII), minor roads from the Digital Chart of the World (DCW), railroads as well as major navigable waterways from WBDII. WBDII originated at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and a cleaned-up Arc/Info version is available from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). The nominal scale of WBDII is 1:3 million. The scale of the DCW base maps (the Operational Navigational Charts) is 1:1 million. Since we also used DCW for the international boundaries in the administrative unit data layers and since WBDII and DCW appear to share common ancestors, a good fit exists between the individual data layers.

A brief technical discussion is now required to clarify the arec-node structure of the transportation data. After merging the individual components of the transport network into one data layer there are still no connections between the individual components (e.g., railroads and rivers). To allow the model to choose the most efficient means of transport at any point in the network, the intersections between the individual transport layers need to be found. This is a standard GIS operation that results in a well-structured data layer of line segments (or links) representing roads, railroads or rivers. These are connected by nodes which are intersections of two or more line segments of different or similar types. Nodes, of course also represent the end of an unconnected line segment.

The program used for calculating accessibility produces an estimate for each node in the network. The problem in an application where the network is sparse in many regions is that no values are derived for areas that are not connected to the network. In the Asia application this applies to large areas since WBDII and DCW only include fairly important transport features that are relevant at a cartographic scale of 1:1 or 1:3 million. One solution is to calculate the accessibility index for the center of each grid cell of the subsequently generated output raster. From each grid cell, the distance to the closest transport feature could be calculated and added to the network distances to the closest towns. This approach was used by Geertman and van Eck (1995). However, this approach is not realistic where the closest access point to the transport network is at a location which is actually far away from urban centers. Another network access location that may be further away from the grid cell initially, but better connected to major towns. To evaluate different options of network access for each grid cell would be impractical, and we therefore chose a different approach. In areas where the transport network is sparse, auxiliary line segments were added which essentially represent "feeder roads".; Essentially, this means that people who may be living in these remote areas are using trails or tracks to get to the main transport network first and then continue their travels to the nearest city along the fastest routes. The algorithm automatically determines which network access is optimal in reducing overall travel times.

It would be straightforward to use simple network distance for the calculation of accessibility. However, different line segments representing various transportation modes are associated with quite different travel speeds. For example, a kilometer travel on a paved road will take much less time than the same distance on a river. Instead of simple distance, we therefore used cumulative travel time as the weight in the accessibility calculation. Each line segment in the resulting complete transportation network is associated with an estimate of average travel speed that is thought to be possible. Major, surfaced roads from WBDII are assumed to allow for a travel time of 90km/h, minor roads were assigned a speed of 60km/h, 50km/h are used for railroads, 20km/h for navigable rivers, and 5km/h for the auxiliary network access routes. For each line segment, we calculated the real-world distance in kilometers.

However, all data layers are referenced in geographic (latitude/longitude) coordinates and no map projection is able to represent real-world distances in all directions with sufficient accuracy for large regions. We therefore calculated the correct length of each line segment as the sum of the great-circle distances of all vertices that make up the line segment between two nodes. The time it takes to traverse each section of the transport network is then simply its length in km divided by the travel speed associated with the specific type of transport infrastructure.

Setting up urban data

The accessibility index is the sum of the population totals of the towns in the vicinity of the current location weighted by the network travel time ("distance") to those towns. Data on the location and size of urban centers were collected from a range of sources. Based on the World Cities Population Database developed by Birkbeck College and distributed by UNEP/GRID, a considerable number of additional town populations were identified from UN publications, gazetteers and yearbooks, and national census reports. The location of towns was determined from the gazetteer in the Times Atlas or from published maps. Altogether, 2308 cities were identified from all sources (of these, about 200 are in the European part of Russia). Where population figures for the city were available for more than one time period (e.g., for the last two censuses), an estimate for 1995 was derived using the same approach chosen for the administrative unit data (i.e., a simple trend forecast). Where only one figure was available, the corresponding national-level average annual urban growth rate published in the UN World Urbanization Prospects (1994 revision, UN Population Division) was used.

During the modeling, it became clear that despite the considerable effort that went into the development of the urban database, the available detail was still insufficient in all but a few countries. Generally, population figures are published only for the largest cities in a country - i.e., those with population totals larger than 100,000. We therefore added additional towns whose locations were determined from available maps and atlases and whose population figures were estimated using a simple heuristic based on the rank-size rule. Although this rule helps us to determine how many towns with a given population total might exist, there is no way of knowing which town should be associated with which population figure. We therefore assigned the population totals heuristically keeping patterns suggested by central place theory in mind. For example, major regional centers should be surrounded by several minor centers with a correspondingly lower population.

This procedure is clearly subject to significant judgmental error. Although the errors introduced cannot be determined, we expect that the added benefit of using additional towns in the accessibility calculation far outweighs the potential error introduced in the resulting accessibility index. In fact, since most of these auxiliary towns have relatively low population totals (since the major towns are already accounted for), the error introduced by this heuristic estimation procedure may well be within the range of the ordinarily expected error that is present in published urban population figures. Still, in a future modeling effort a more formal procedure could be developed that combines the empirical evidence that forms the basis of the rank-size rule and central place theory to provide a more replicable image of the urban hierarchy in a country.

Towns need to be connected to the transport network to enable the accessibility calculation algorithm to find the closest towns for each node in the network. The settlements were therefore simply assigned to the network node closest to their current location.

Run accessibility calculation

For the actual accessibility calculation we used a stand-alone program written in the C programming language. This program reads the entire network definition which consists of (a) the identifiers for each node and the population size of the town that corresponds to the node - zero in most cases, indicating that no town is located at the node-, and (b) the identifiers of the two nodes that define each arc and the travel time required to traverse the arc.

A further option of the program that allows for considering the direction of travel along a line segment was not used. This implies that there are no "one-way streets" and that travel time is the same regardless of which way one travels. This assumption could be relaxed since, for example, travel speeds are lower up-river than down-river, but the added gain in realism will not compensate for the additional effort required in defining these details. Also, no further assumptions are made about modal choice. In moving through the network, an imaginary traveler may change his or her means of transport at will. This is unrealistic since a switch, say from road travel to a train and on to a boat, are all associated with delays. In order to keep the model simple (and run-times manageable) we did not introduce a penalty for switching the transport mode. A modification relevant to an application in a regional setting was made, however. For any line segment that crosses an international boundary, the travel time was increased by 20 minutes reflecting delays in border crossings. This added travel time could be varied depending on the relations between two neighboring countries. This would either require subjective judgment or very detailed information on the permeability of international borders.

For each node in the network, the program now finds the network path to each of a specified number of towns that results in the lowest overall travel time. In the initial program specification, all towns reached within a user-defined specified travel time (e.g., 5 hours) were determined. However, in areas where towns are sparsely distributed and the number of nodes and line segments is large, this resulted in unacceptably long run-times. For China, with about 80,000 nodes, the program was estimated to require about three days. Instead, we modified the program to find the closest four towns or less if fewer than four towns were accessible within a more generous threshold travel time (the calculations for China still took 24 hours). This also makes the index somewhat more comparable across large areas, since the previous specification resulted in the accessibility index for some densely urbanized areas to be based on fifty or more towns, while other regions would only contain two or three.

For the shortest path calculation the program uses the standard Dijkstra algorithm. The program section used for this search consists of a modified version of a fast implementation of this algorithm developed by Tom Cova, a transportation GIS specialist at NCGIA. The Dijkstra algorithm evaluates the network structure around the current location starting from the center and reaching further and further out. For applications in which only one origin-destination pair is of interest, this is inefficient and various modifications have been suggested to speed up the search. In this application, in contrast, the interest is in finding the shortest path to all towns within the vicinity and the modified algorithm "collects" towns as it ventures out from the originating node. Once four towns have been found and the program has determined that all additional connected line segments will not lead to a town that is closer than those already found, the search is terminated and the town populations and travel times are passed to a program section that calculates the accessibility measure.

This measure is the sum of the town populations weighted by a negative exponential function of travel time ("distance"). I.e.,

Sum of the town populations weighted
		by a negative exponential function of travel time

where Vi is the accessibility estimate for node i, Pk is the population of town k, dikis the travel time/distance between node i and town k, and is the distance to the point of inflection in the distance decay function. This parameter was set to one hour in this case which means that the influence of a town one hour away decreases to about 60 percent, and a town two hours away will only contribute 14 percent of its total population to the accessibility index. Rather than using total urban population, we applied a square root transformation to the population figures, implying that each additional person living in a city has an increasingly lower influence. This transformation avoids an exaggerated influence of very large mega-cities while being less of an equalizer than the more common log-transformation.


The accessibility index that is available for each of the nodes in the network needs to be converted into a regular raster grid. We used a simple inverse distance interpolation procedure that resulted in a relatively smooth surface. A problem with this technique is that interpolated values will not fall outside the range of the values recorded at the neighboring node locations. In analogy to interpolating elevation data: if recorded values are available only for locations on the slope of a mountain but not at the peak, the interpolated value for the summit location will be underestimated. Conversely in our application, if values are recorded only for network nodes, but not for areas that are remote from transport routes (e.g., deserts), then using the neighboring node values for interpolation will overestimate the accessibility for the remote location.

Yet, experiments with other interpolation procedures did not result in satisfactory results. Thin plate spline interpolation may be more appealing theoretically since it would allow values at interpolated locations to fall below (or above) those that are recorded at neighboring locations, if the overall tension surface suggests a corresponding trend. However, the values estimated for some locations were clearly out of the range of what would be reasonable. Given the large number of nodes introduced in remote areas by adding the auxiliary access routes, we consider the simple inverse distance interpolation to be sufficiently accurate.

Adjustment of the accessibility measure

Three additional data sets were used to adjust the resulting accessibility index grid: inland water bodies, protected areas, and elevation. Lake areas were masked and grid cells that fell onto a glacier were assigned an accessibility value of zero. This information was derived from the DCW drainage network data layer (DNNET).

GIS data layers on protected areas were obtained from the World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC). Unfortunately, little information about each protected area was available besides its name, such that it was impossible to relate, for example, protection status to an estimate of how much the areas may still be used and inhabited by people. We reduced the accessibility index for grid cells that fell into national parks to 20 percent of the original value and for areas falling into forest reserves to 50 percent. These values are subjectively determined to allow for the fact that the protection of protected areas is not always perfect. Since most of these parks are in remote region, the change in predicted population densities that would be introduced by varying the adjustment factors should be small.

Finally, we reduced the accessibility index in areas above a specified elevation threshold. Elevation represents vertical distance which is assumed to increase travel time. For example, for most regions of Asia, we adjusted the grid cells above 2000m using the following simple formula: accessibility = (accessibility / ((actual elevation - 1000) / 1000). Thus, for a grid cell at 2500 meters, the accessibility value is divided by 1.5. For North-East Asia - i.e., mid-latitude areas, the threshold was lowered to 1500m and the calculation adjusted correspondingly. The assumption is that an additional constant gain in elevation will matter progressively less such that the largest marginal adjustments are made in the relatively lower elevations. Alternative assumptions would obviously be possible, and the elevation threshold could be continuously varied as a function of latitude. For instance, close to the equator, areas at 2000m elevation may be considered prime agricultural regions, while in mid- and higher latitudes, little economic activity is possible at this altitude. Again, we consider the resulting population density surfaces to be relatively insensitive to reasonable alternative specifications. A digital elevation model (DEM) for Asia was available from UNEP/GRID Sioux Falls which is involved in the production of a complete global DEM at approximately 1km resolution in collaboration with EROS Data Center. Unfortunately elevation data were not yet available for the mountain ranges of Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea.

Distribution of population

The distribution of the population total available for each administrative unit over the grid cells that fall into that unit is straightforward. The accessibility values estimated for each grid cell serve as weights to distribute population proportionately. First the grid cells in the accessibility index are summed within each district. Each value is divided by the corresponding district sum such that the resulting weights sum to one within each administrative unit. Multiplying each cell value by the total population yields the estimated number of people residing in each grid cell. The standardization of the accessibility index implies that the absolute magnitudes of the predicted access values are unimportant - only the variation within the administrative unit determines population densities within each district.

Again, we have to take account of the fact that all GIS data layers and raster grids are referenced in latitude/longitude coordinates. This means that grid cells further away from the equator represent a smaller real-world area than grid cells further away. For example, a 2.5 minute grid cell has a real-world area of 10.8 square km at 60 degrees latitude, of 18.6 square km at 30 degrees and of 21.4 square km at the equator. We therefore weighted the accessibility index value for each grid cell by the actual area of the grid cell before standardizing within each district.

Because only the relative magnitudes of the accessibility index are important in distributing total population, and since most administrative units are fairly small, the error introduced by the distortions of the geographic coordinate system will usually be insignificant. However, in West Asia, for example, where the available resolution of the administrative units is fairly low, the difference in the actual areas of grid cells located in the North of the districts compared to those in the South was relatively large. The resulting difference in predicted population densities using undadjusted and adjusted accessibility values reached up to eight people per square km. The errors would be even larger in higher latitudes with low resolution administrative units (e.g., Siberia).

Calculate densities and create cartographic output

From the grid cells of total population, population density images are created by dividing the population counts estimated for each grid cell by the real-world area in square km of that cell. For quick visualization of the results, these population density surfaces were converted into a TIFF (Tagged Image Format File) image by squeezing the density values into a 0-255 range using an non-linear transformation; that means relatively more colors are used to represent the same amount of density variation at low densities than at high densities. These images are meant purely for quick visualization, since the exact estimated densities are available in the original images.

Implementation Specifics and Output Products

We used version 7 of the workstation version of Arc/Info for compilation of input data and most of the modeling. The GRID raster module of Arc/Info provides an excellent environment for this type of work. The raster modeling was performed at a resolution of 2.5 minutes which corresponds to about five km at the equator. We do not claim that 2.5 is the optimal grid size for this application. In fact, there is no single optimal grid size, since the available resolution of the input data and thus the appropriate cell size is highly variable. For some countries, a grid size of about five km is justifiable (e.g., for Vietnam or Bangladesh), while for others - for example, in Western Asia, a twenty minute grid square would make more sense. Data structures that allow for variable grid sizes do exist but implementation would be more complex. Instead we rely on the user to evaluate the boundary data to judge for himself or herself whether a particular application is meaningful at this resolution for a given area.

Instead of working with very large and possibly unmanageable data sets, we partitioned the Asian continent into eight blocks (no political interpretation intentioned!). As block boundaries we used whole latitude/longitudes only, such that no resampling was necessary in merging the individual output grids to produce regional and continental data sets. The transport and settlements data layers for each block included a one degree wide buffer containing information for neighboring areas. This avoids artifacts in the computation of accessibility values for nodes that are located close to the block boundaries.

The output from this modeling effort is available for each of the standard UN regions for Asia - Western Asia, South-Central Asia, South-East Asia, and East Asia (see summary table in the appendix) - as well as for the Asian part of Russia (east of 60 degrees East). Three products have been assembled:

  • a raster grid of total estimated population within each grid cell. This is a floating point raster image in which the total summed population for each district equals the estimated total in the administrative unit coverages exactly. For those who find the concept of fractional population disconcerting, the floating point values can easily be converted into a rounded integer grid by using the GRID command: outpop = int(inpop + 0.5). Of course, the precision of the exact population values implies a degree of accuracy in the estimates that is by no means justified. We simply continue to carry the full precision of the estimated figures through all processing steps, relying on the end user to present the results of further analysis with appropriately fewer significant digits.
  • a raster grid of estimated population densities (people per square km). Both, the total population and the density grid are in GRID ASCII format. This format is easily imported into Arc/Info and due to its simple structure can be converted into other formats fairly easily.
  • a TIFF image of population density with a corresponding header file (.tfw) which allows for displaying the image using standard graphics packages (e.g., xv, or Paintshop) or as a background in desktop mapping packages.

File names are as follows:

regionPOP.ASC: total population grid

regionPOPD.ASC: population density grid

regionPOPD.TIF: population density TIFF image (also requires regionPOPD.TFW),

where region is WAS for Western Asia, SCAS for South-Central Asia, SEAS for South-East Asia, EAS for East Asia, and RUS for Russia.


Accessibility and population density

The modeling strategy rests on the assumption that accessibility is directly related to population distribution. Conceptually, this makes intuitive sense since people tend to live in or around major urban centers and close to transport infrastructure; or, conversely, roads and railroads tend to be built where people live. Unfortunately, empirical estimates of the influence of accessibility at a small cartographic scale are rare. One of the few exceptions is the West Africa Long Term Perspective Study (WALTPS; see Ninnin XX). A major component of this study was an analysis of market systems, agricultural production and population densities in West Africa. Based on detailed information on each of these factors, a so-called "market-tension" surface was created that summarizes the influence that markets for agricultural products (i.e., urban consumers) have on producers in rural areas subject to production constraints and transport infrastructure. The surface, which is estimated using a fairly complex spatial equilibrium model, was shown to be highly correlated with population densities. An accessibility surface for West Africa that was constructed using a very similar approach as the one used for the population modeling in Asia, in turn explained about 80% of the variation in the much more complex market tension surface.

For the Asian population surfaces, we can obtain an indication of the relationship between accessibility and population densities at the district level. As an example, we computed the mean accessibility for each of the 465 districts in India and plotted these values against the actual population density of each district. The following figure shows the strong relationship between the logarithms of the two indicators quite well. Predicting population densities as a function of mean accessibility in a simple bivariate (log-log) regression yields an R square value of 0.6 and a t-value for the independent variable of 26. The residual plot (not shown) indicates that, not surprisingly, the simple model underpredicts very high population densities which are located in the top right corner of the plot.

Indication of the relationship 
		between accessibility and population densities at the district level>

		<h4>A simple error analysis</h4>
		<p>The output from this modeling project is a set of
		grids representing an estimate of population distribution given
		available data.   Many of the assumptions and limitations of the
		modeling approach have already been discussed in the previous
		sections.  The quality and accuracy of the data are very difficult
		to assess, because information is very limited.  Throughout the
		project, the results were compared to available maps and atlases,
		some of which contained maps of population distribution.  We were
		able to identify some artifacts in the data that were due to data
		errors, and which were subsequently corrected.  Yet, visual comparison
		is a poor substitute for quantitative error assessment.  If population
		totals for very small areas corresponding, for example, to enumeration
		areas in the U.S. were available, then we could aggregate the
		derived population surfaces to this level, and compare the estimated
		totals with the recorded small area figures.  The magnitude of
		the differences will be dependent on the characteristics of the
		units, such as overall homogeneity of population distribution,
		physical features that were considered or ignored in the modeling,
		<p>Such detailed information, however, is not available
		for most Asian countries - otherwise we would have used it in
		the first place.  Alternatively, the estimation procedure can
		be applied at a higher aggregation level.  Using the estimated
		accessibility surface (which is independent from the level of
		administrative aggregation) and population figures at the first
		subnational level we can produce an alternative prediction of
		population distribution in the country.  The resulting totals
		for each second level unit can then be compared to the actual
		data at the second subnational level.  Of course, within first
		subnational level units, the variability is expected to be much
		larger than within second level units.  Error estimates derived
		in this way will therefore not be good indicators of the actual
		error that can be expected using the higher resolution data at
		the second subnational level.  Such comparisons are most useful
		to yield an indication of the accuracy for regions in which no
		second level data are available. 

		<p>The following experiment is purely illustrative and
		is not meant to give any quantitative information about the actual
		error that may be associated with the predicted surfaces.  It
		is meant only to indicate how a more thorough sensitivity analysis
		could proceed, if better data were available for a representative
		cross-section of countries.  We used the accessibility surface
		generated for the Indian subcontinent to distribute state level
		total population for India over the grid cells that fall into each
		state.  There are currently thirty two states and union territories
		in India ranging in estimated 1995 population from 57,000 for
		Lakshadweep (Laccadive Islands) to 157 million for Uttar Pradesh.
		 Seventeen of the states have populations larger than ten million.
		 The states range in area from about 32 square km, again for Lakshadweep,
		to about 450,000 square km for Madhya Pradesh.  Eleven of the
		states have an area greater than 100,000 square km.  The following
		figure shows estimated population densities based on the same
		accessibility surface but distributing district-level population
		(left map) and state-level population (right map) respectively.
		 Even though the images show the entire subcontinent including
		the areas disputed between in India, Pakistan and China, we
		will only concentrate on India in this analysis.
		<p><img src=

At this scale, differences are, of course, difficult to detect visually, although it appears that major inter-state transport routes have a more explicit impact on the image to the right, which, on the whole, also looks smoother. A more precise indication is given by comparing the actual population figures for each district with the predicted population. These are by definition identical for the left image since the method is pycnophylactic (or mass-preserving). For the image derived using state-level population totals, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is 43.9. This appears to be a rather large value even considering the fact that the states are unusually large in area and population. Yet, the MAPE, like every mean value, hides a significant amount of interesting variation. The next figure shows a histogram of the individual errors for the 464 districts (Delhi was omitted since it is a state consisting of only one district). Approximately half of all districts have an absolute percentage error smaller than 25%, and 80% of the errors are smaller than 50%. Less encouragingly, seven of the districts have errors larger than 250%, and three are larger than 500% with the highest value just under 1000%. Omitting the ten highest errors, the MAPE drops to 35.6.

Histogram of 
		the individual errors for the 464 districts

Such unusually high outliers warrant further attention. One hypothesis may be that the magnitude of the error is related to population densities. Large errors may occur, for example, where the model underpredicts the high densities in and around an urban agglomeration. The next figure shows that this is not the case.

High densities in and around
		an urban agglomeration

Here the signed percentage error, is plotted against population densities. It becomes clear that the high population density districts, while associated with fairly large underprediction of 50-100%, do not correspond to the highest errors. On the contrary, the outliers on the error scale originate in low density areas where relatively small deviations in terms of absolute population figures translate into very large percentage error. Of the ten districts with the highest errors, eight are located in the North-Western mountains (Jammu and Kashmir) or in the remote East of the country (Manipur and Assam). Here, the terrain is the dominant determinant of population distribution since large areas of these districts are uninhabitable.

As emphasized before, we do not want to put too much emphasis on these results. Population numbers and the areas of Indian states are very large, and errors at such aggregate levels are not necessarily good indicators of what we could expect at more disaggregate levels. The preceding discussion was solely meant to strengthen awareness of the limitations of any population modeling effort and to outline possible avenues for more rigorous error and sensitivity analysis.

Additional sources of error

Sources of error are, of course, numerous. Apart from the uncertainty associated with the population estimates and boundary data which have been discussed before, there are also quality problems with the transportation network. Most importantly, both, the WBDII and DCW roads layers are likely to be out of date. More seriously, the road quality indicators are of limited accuracy. Short of engaging in a major data development project, which was far beyond the scope of this modest project, there is unfortunately little we can do about these data limitations.

Urban areas are not treated explicitly in the modeling. This is perhaps the single biggest limitation of the model. In principle it should be possible to assign urban figures to corresponding grid cells first, so that only the rural population needs to be distributed according to the accessibility surface. However, the quality of the urban population totals was judged to be very low and we decided to leave the determination of urban densities to the model. That means the accessibility values in or close to urban centers are assumed to be high enough that an approximately corresponding number of people will be distributed to the relevant grid cells. In general, urban densities are unlikely to be predicted with great accuracy in this way except in cases, where a large town is represented by its own administrative unit. Thus we expect urban densities to be generally underpredicted, while rural densities in the vicinities of major towns are likely to be overpredicted. The example presented earlier for India supports this suspicion. There is no doubt that more accurate information on settlements could significantly improve the model output. As usual, we need more and better data.

In using the population grids in modeling, an analyst should be aware of what went into the models. Bias is easily introduced if the focus of the analysis is on one of the factors used in the model. This is particularly important when elevation, roads, towns, or protected areas data are used in combination with these population surfaces. Climatic information, while potentially relevant, was consciously excluded from the model to reduce bias in studies that link population with agroecological factors.

Finally, there is no doubt that the most important determinant of accuracy of the resulting surfaces is the resolution of the administrative boundary data. No modification in the modeling approach could match the additional benefit gained by incorporating higher resolution source data. It is therefore very important that the collection of these data is continued and that administrative boundary and census data are shared among national and international institutions for the benefit of everyone who requires timely and accurate data on human population distribution.

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