African Population Database Documentation [ Back | Contents | Next ]

A.4. Country-specific documentation: No Subnational Data

Notes for this (4th) version of the database

This appendix lists the data sources used to estimate the population figures in the GIS database and other relevant information pertaining to the demographic estimates and GIS datasets. Population data for 1990 and 2000 were provided by CIESIN. Population data for 1960, 1970, and 1980 were estimated by Andy Nelson, using UN country totals for those years and the existing population estimates by Uwe Deichmann.

This version of the population database contains improvements in spatial and population data for specific countries, but still relies heavily on the previous version, especially for spatial data which is referred to as "UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/" in the following documentation.

Notes from the previous (3rd) version of the database

The previous version of this meta-database used data for the nineteen West African countries that were estimated by Benoit Ninnin for the West Africa Long Term Perspective Study (WALTPS) carried out by the Club du Sahel/OECD (see Ninnin 1994). All other figures were calculated by Uwe Deichmann. Unless otherwise stated the administrative boundaries were the same as those in the African Data Sampler (WRI 1995) or in the WALTPS database (see Brunner et al. 1995).


  Spatial data Population data
Source Digital Chart of the World (1) UN World Population Prospects 2002.
(2) L'Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE): Recensement March 1999 (March 1999 Census) http://www.recensement.insee.fr for 1990 and 2000 population estimates.

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Page Modified: September 2004