African Population Database Documentation [ Back | Contents | Next ]

A.4. Country-specific documentation: A to C

Notes for this (4th) version of the database

This appendix lists the data sources used to estimate the population figures in the GIS database and other relevant information pertaining to the demographic estimates and GIS datasets. Population data for 1990 and 2000 were provided by CIESIN. Population data for 1960, 1970, and 1980 were estimated by Andy Nelson, using UN country totals for those years and the existing population estimates by Uwe Deichmann.

This version of the population database contains improvements in spatial and population data for specific countries, but still relies heavily on the previous version, especially for spatial data which is referred to as "UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net" in the following documentation.

Notes from the previous (3rd) version of the database

The previous version of this meta-database used data for the nineteen West African countries that were estimated by Benoit Ninnin for the West Africa Long Term Perspective Study (WALTPS) carried out by the Club du Sahel/OECD (see Ninnin 1994). All other figures were calculated by Uwe Deichmann. Unless otherwise stated the administrative boundaries were the same as those in the African Data Sampler (WRI 1995) or in the WALTPS database (see Brunner et al. 1995).


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net 1987 and 1998 Census data from Statistiques Algérie, http://www.ons.dz
Notes   Data for 1967, 76 and 86 were available as a digital file, produced by the National Statistical Office in collaboration with the UN Software Development (POPMAP) Project (UNSD/DESIPA). P60-90 based on the average annual inter-censal growth rates.


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net (1) Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (1987), Boletim Demografico No. 4, Projeccao da populacao do pais por provincias para o perodo 1970/95.
(2) Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (1960), Census of Angola.
Notes   There are no reliable data available for Angola since the last census was carried out in 1970. Since then, considerable displacement of people has taken place due to the civil war. All published data in the Statistical Yearbooks and other publications (e.g., the Economist's Intelligence Unit report) are estimates produced by the National Statistics Institute based on 1970 data in 1987. The accuracy of these estimates is obviously very limited. Still, these estimates were used for 1970, 80, 90 and 2000. For 1960, data were obtained from 2) above


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(2) Recensement général de la population et de l'Habitat. Tableaux statistiques, 1986.
(3) INSEE-Service Coopération: République du Dahomey,Enquête démographique 1961. Résultats définitifs, Paris 1964.
(4) Venard J.L: Urbanisation au Bénin. Area International, Paris, Septembre-Octobre 1990.
(5) Lopez-Escartin N.: Données de base sur la population, Bénin: CEPED, No. 6, Paris, Août 1991.
(6) Institut National de la Staistique et de L'analyse Economique, Bureau Central du Recensement, Republique du Benin February 1992. Deuxieme Recensement General de la Population et de L'Habitation du Benin. Available at: http://www.afrikinfo.com/lois/gouvern .
Notes The Athieme District (administrative 2 level , in the Mono Province (administrative 1 level), was split to form Athieme District and Lokossa District. Population was estimated for the two newly created units based on their relative distributions in 1992. Population data were extrapolated to target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) Botswana Census of 1991, Digital file obtained through the Software Development Project, UN Statistics Division.
(2) Botswana Village Populations 1971, 81 and 91, Digital file obtained through the UNSD POPMAP project. Also contains district populations for the three census years. But did not contain the census figures for several urban areas for which 1991 populations were available from 1).
(3) UN Demographic Yearbooks for 1971 and 1973 (contain population for fewer aggregate districts)
(4) Central Statistics Office, Republic of Botswana: 2001 Population and Housing Census, http://www.cso.gov.bw
Notes (1) Tuli district was merged with 3 districts: Palapye, Machaneng, and Bobonong. The population 1990 data for Tuli was split equally 3 ways and added to each district's population 1990 total. P00 data for Tuli region is assumed to be part of those three districts.
(2) 2000 data for Kgalagadi South was split and distributed to 2 districts, Tshabong and Gemsbok, in proportion to their population 1990 estimates. 2000 data for Kgalagadi North was assigned to Hukunsti district.
(3) The population 2000 figure for South East district was created by adding 2000 data for South East and Lobatse
(4) The population 2000 data for Serowe and Palapye districts were created by splitting the 2000 Serowe/Palapye figure and distributing it according to the population 1990 proportions.
(5) Ngwaketse South and Ngwaketse Central were merged, and the population 1990 figures for each one (exact same number) were assumed to be a repeat, so only one set of data was assigned to the merged polygon (Ngwaketse South). 2000 data for Southern district was then split in proportion to the population 1990 data, with South and Central assumed to be one data entry, and assigned to Ngwaketse North and South. Then, 2000 data for Ngwaketse West was added to Ngwaketse North.
(6) 2000 data for Delta district was added to Ngamiland East district.
(7) 2000 data for Francistown and North East was added and assigned to Masungu district.
(8) 2000 data for Central Boteti was assigned to Machaneng
(9) 2000 data for Orapa was assigned to Lethlakane
(10) Kweneng South district was renamed Kweneng West, and the population 2000 total was found by adding Kweneng West and Jwaneng
(11) Kweneng North district was renamed Kweneng East.
(12) 2000 data for Central Bobonong and Selibe Phikwe was added and assigned to Bobonong district.
(13) "Central" was deleted from any related district names
(14) 2000 data for Sowa district and CKGR district was not assigned to any districts due to lack of information on location (about 3,500 people).
71 and 81 pop for Gaborone and Francistown estimated using the inter-censal growth rates for Gaborone Town between 71-81 and 81-91 derived from the UN Urban Database. 71 and 81 pop for towns from the census list obtained from the UN Statistics Division's Software Development Pproject, but not included in the Botswana village publication were derived by using the overall Botswana inter-censal growth rates.
Some adjustments were necessary because the census publications did not match the districts in the administrative units coverage obtained from EDC/SADC via the Univ. of Arizona.
First the populations listed separately for urban areas were added to the corresponding districts. Next it was determined which district populations needed to be split into which units in the GIS coverage:

Burkina Faso

  Spatial data Population data
Source Module de Consultation des Donnees de la Base de Donnees sur les Localites de Burkina (MConBDLB) (Version 2.0, Janvier 2001), a CD produced by the Programme National de Gestion des Terroirs. (1) Module de Consultation des Donnees de la Base de Donnees sur les Localites de Burkina (MConBDLB) Version 2.0, Janvier 2001 (Module for the Consulation of the Burkina Faso localities database, Version 2.0, January 2001). Produced by the Programme National de Gestion des Terroirs (National Land Management Program). Available on CD-ROM.
(2) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(3) INSEE-Service Coopération: Enquête démographique par sondage en République de Haute Volta 1960-61, Paris 1970.
(4) INSD: Recensement général de la population du Burkina, 1985:
(5) Courel M.F., A. Courel, R. Lardinois: Population de la Haute Volta au recensement de Décembre 1975.
Notes The spatial boundaries were aggregated from 353 to 20 units for the calculation of a 1990-1996 population growth rate. A population growth rates were calculated via an aggregation of the spatial and population data to 20 units. This growth rate was applied to the departments (administrative level 2) in order to extrapolate to the target years.


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) 1999 - ISTEEBU, Bujumbura, Burundi: http://www.burundi-contacts.com/pays
(2) United Nations (1971), Demographic Yearbook 1971, Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, New York
(3) Groupe de Demographie Africaine (1986), Population size in African countries, IDP-INEP-INSEE-MICOOP-ORSTOM, Paris
(4) Republique du Burundi (1990), Recensement General de la Population et de 'Habitation, Resultats Provisoires, Bureau Central de Recensement, Gitega
(5) Republique du Burundi (1990), Annuaire Statistique du Burundi 1988, Institut de Statistique et d'Etudes, Gitega
(6) Republique du Burundi (1992), Annuaire Statistique du Burundi 1991, Institut de Statistique et d'Etudes, Gitega
Notes 9 population units were consolidated to match to the shapefile single unit: Nyabigina (Buj) /Bujumbura. These are: Buyenzi (36,782), Bwiza (35425), Cibitoke (47,061), Kamenge (55,653), Kinama (33,858), Musaga (39,337), Ngagara (19762), Nyakabiga (21,229), and Rohero (29,991). Commune level data available only for 1990 census. Province totals for 1979 (15 provinces) and 1965 (8 provinces). Bujumbura (city) population treated separately based on population figures for 1965, 70, 79, 86 and 90.
P80 calculated based on province growth rates for 79-90 period. P60&70 based on province growth rates for 65-79 period. Earlier estimates are therefore only fairly accurate for province level, while for commune level, homogeneous growth rates were assumed.


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(2) Dackam Ngantchou R., B. Hovy, E. Ngwe: Introduction à l'analyse démographique des villes moyennes du Cameroun, Vol. I: IFORD, Juillet 1989.
(3) Champaud J.: Villes et campagnes du Cameroun de l'Ouest: ORSTOM, Paris 1983.
(4) République du Cameroun: Démo 87: 7 millions et demi en 1976, 10 millions et demi en 1987.
(5) République du Cameroun: Démo 87: Vol. III, Tome 1et Analyse préliminaire: Evaluation des données: répartition par sexe et par age de la population.
(6) Margueraty: Analyse numérique des migrations des villes du Cameroun: travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM, Paris 1975.
(7) Noisette: Rapport de mission 1992.
(8) Timnou J.P.: Migrations, Urbanisation et Développement au Cameroun: IFORD-CEPED, Cahiers de l'ILFORD, No. 4, 1993.
(9) Lopez-Lescartin N.: Données de base sur la population, Cameroun: CEPED, No. 1, Paris, Août 1991.
Notes Population data were extrapolated to the target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.

Cape Verde

  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Cabo Verde: Censo 1990 e Censo 2000, Outros Años Perspectivas Demográficas de Cabo Verde Horizonte 2020, http://www.ine.cv
(2) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(3) Portugal, Provincios de Cabo Verde: Recenseamento General do Populacao 1960: Lisbon 1975.
Cabo Verde, Direction des Recenseamentos e ingueritos: recenseamento do populacao, 1980.
(4) CERPOD: Contribuicao para un estudo das migracoes e urbanizacao en Cabo Verde, Monteiro C.A., Rapport de recherche, Vol. IV.
Notes Population data were projected to the year 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.

Central African Republic

  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) 1988 census figures, National Statistical Office, digital file.
(2) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(3) Ministère de l'Economie, du Plan, des Statistiques, et de la Coopération internationale: Synthèse des données de population, recensement de 1988.
(4) Atlas Jeune Afrique sur la République Centrafricaine.
Notes Population data were projected to the year 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.


  Spatial data Population data
Source Produced by the USGS/EDC USAID/FEWS for UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database: https://na.unep.net/. (USGS/EDC USAID/FEWS) (1) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(2) CEA (NU): Séminaire national sur la population et le développement au Tchad, Décembre 1984.
(3) INSEE-Service Coopération: Enquête démographique au Tchad, 1964: Résultats définitifs: Tome 1, Analyse des résultats: Paris, Juin 1966.
(4) Nassour G. Ouaidou: Evolution des effectifs de la population des pays africains: Tchad. Groupe de démographie africaine: Paris, Novembre 1979.
(5)Lopez-Escartin N.: Données de base sur la population, Tchad: CEPED, No. 5, Paris, Août 1991.
Notes Population data were projected to the year 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/ (1) Comoros 1996 population estimates are from Geohive http://www.geohive.com. Geohive cites the original source as: "L'Évaluation de l'éducation pour tous à l'an 2000: Rapport des pays, Forum mondial sur l'éducation, Unesco"
(2) Mayotte is included in Comoros. Mayotte 1997 (rather than 1996) and 1991 census data are also from Geohive. Geohive cites the original source as: "Le SPLAF" http://splaf.free.fr.
(3) Groupe de Demographie Africaine (1986), Population size in African countries, IDP-INEP-INSEE-MICOOP-ORSTOM, Paris
(4) Data for 1958 and 66 censuses, and separate figures for Mayotte (belonging to France) for 1978 and the three other islands for 1980.
Notes A population growth rate was calculated between 1991 and 1996 (1997 for Mayotte) to extrapolate the population data to target years.


  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/
Boundaries digitized from 1:1m IGN map.
(1) Republique Populaire du Congo (1987), Annuaire Statistque, Ministere du Plan, Brazzaville (1974 data)
(2) Republique Populaire du Congo (1987), Recensement General de la Population et de l'Habitat de 1984, Vol. 3: Resultats Definitifs, Tome I: Ensemble du Pays, Direction des Statistiques Demographiques et Sociales, Brazzaville
Notes District level data were available for 1974, but only province level data could be obtained for 1984. Province level growth rates were originally used for interpolation, except for communes (6 major cities) for which data was available for 1974 and 1984, for Brazzaville and Pointe Noire also for 1960 from UNSTAT. These cities were treated explicitly, while the residual population in the corresponding district was interpolated using aggregate province growth rates. These data were used to estimate population in 1990 at the district level. Population data were projected to 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.

Congo, Democratic Republic of

  Spatial data Population data
Source GIS database produced by the University of Leuven, Belgium and obtained from the Department of Geography, University of Maryland. (1) Romaniuk, A. (1968), The Demography of the Demographic Republic of the Congo, in W. Brass et al (eds), The Demography of Tropical Africa, Princeton University Press, Princeton
(2) Atlas des collectivites, de Saint-Moulin, Kinshasa 1976
(3) Republique du Zaire (1984), Combien Sommes-Nous, Resultats Provisoires, Institut National de la Statistique, Kinshasa
(4) Republique du Zaire (undated), Zaire Recensement Scientifique de la Population 1984, Totaux Definitifs, Institut National de la Statistique, Kinshasa [ contains pop figures down to cite/col level ]
(5) Groupe de Demographie Africaine (1986), Population size in African countries, IDP-INEP-INSEE-MICOOP-ORSTOM, Paris

Côte d'Ivoire

  Spatial data Population data
Source UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, https://na.unep.net/
Boundaries obtained from the National Committee on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information (CNTIG) in Côte d'Ivoire.
(1) 1998 Population Census: Premiers resultats définitifs du RGPH-98 / Institut national de la statistique. Recensement général de la population et de l'habitat 1998. Abidjan--République de Côte d'Ivoire, Institut National de la Statistique, Bureau Technique du Recensement.
(2) Etude d'une Image à Long Terme de l'Afrique.
(3) Atlas Jeune Afrique.
(4) République de la Côte d'Ivoire: Ministère du Plan et de la Comptabilité Nationale: Recensement général de la population et de l'habitat, 1988: a: Résultats provisoires par localité. b: Exploitation et comparaison 1965/1975/1988.
(5)Séminaire national de présentation des résultats du RGPH, 1988.
Notes The 1998 census included 8 new department (administative 2 level) units-- all 8 were previously considered sous-prefectures (administrative 3 level). These are: Alepe, Dabou, Jacqueville, Tiebissou, Bocanda, Adiake, Grand-Bassam, and Toulepleu. New spatial data were not available to match these changes therefore the population of these units were redistributed into their respective parent department units (administrative level 2). The 1998 census data was obtained for administrative level 2. This data is coarser than the 1988 census data which was obtained for administrative level 3. Thus, an administrative level 2 population growth rate was calculated for the period 1990-1998 and applied to the 1990 administrative level 3 units to extrapolate the population of these areas to 2000.

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Page Modified: September 2004