UNEP/GRID-Sioux Falls
uneplive atlas geas

Web Service Overview

This web service allows access to structured information related to the Atlas Hotspot sites. This REST service allows you to construct URL requests and will return JSON output.

Hotspot REST API

Building a Request

  • Suppported API Method: GET
Key: Description:
hotspotID Hotspot unique id
countryIDs[] List of countries by ID to filter the Hotspots. The lookup key can be used to obtain the specific country names.
countryNames[] List of countries by name to filter the Hotspots. The lookup key can be used to obtain the specific country names.
majorThemeNames[] List of major themes by name to filter the Hotspots. The lookup key can be used to obtain the specific theme names.
minorThemeNames[] List of minor themes by name to filter the Hotspots. The lookup key can be used to obtain the specific theme names.
keywords Filters Hotspots by keyword
start Specifies the starting record number. Assumes 0, when not specified
limit Limits the number of records to return
sort Return Hotspots sorted by the following statistics fields:

  • sortMostViewedDescending: Obtain most viewed Hotspots
  • sortTopRatedDescending: Obtain top rated Hotspots

lookup Retrieve list of lookup values that have been assigned to the Hotspots. See the lookup examples.

  • countries: Obtain list of country names that Hotspots can be assigned.
  • minorThemes: Obtain list of minor themes that Hotspots can be assigned.
  • majorThemes: Obtain list of major themes that Hotspots can be assigned.

callback Specify the name of the Javascript function to pass the results.

Example Hotspot REST Requests

  • Get all hotspots
  • Get a hotspot by id
  • lookup hotspots by country
  • Get hotspots by majorTheme lookup
  • Get hotspots by minorTheme lookup
  • Limit number of hotspots returned
  • Return the 5 Most Viewed Hotspots
  • Get hotspots starting at an offset

Example Lookup REST Requests

  • Get country lookups
  • Get minorThemes lookups
  • Get majorThemes lookups